Project Wisdom

Discover life beyond your past.


theft & Shoplifting Prevention

If you have been caught shoplifting or stealing, and you are required to complete a 4-hour theft and shoplifting prevention class. The state of Missouri requires that violators complete this one-time program as one of their plea or probation requirements.

This class identifies the underlying issues that can potentially lead to kleptomania, or compulsive stealing. Here at Project Wisdom KC our clients will graduate with more knowledge and with different strategies on what to do other than stealing or shoplifting.

In this course you will learn:

  • Why people work

  • Family Support

  • Understanding Attitude

  • Resiliency Skills

  • Effects of and recovery from kleptomatia

Level 1 Offense: 4 hours required to receive certificate of completion

Level 2 Offense: level 1 class + 4 additional hours required to receive certificate of completion.

Please contact us at (816) 313-8088 to register for level 2.

Anger Management

If you have been required to take an anger management class ordered by the
court or probation, Project Wisdom KC is here to help you. We will teach you different techniques to manage anger.   One of our emotions is anger, and we want you to understand your triggers and how to address them. 

By understanding what triggers your anger, you will learn how to avoid these triggers or overcome them. Project Wisdom KC is here to ensure that you have every tool you need to overcome anger. 

Topics in this class include:

  • How do you handle conflict?

  • The Anger Survey

  • Handling Conflicts

  • Making Smart choices

  • Speaking and Listening

  • Taking Charge

Level 1 Offense: 4 hours required to receive certificate of completion

Level 2 Offense: level 1 class + 4 additional hours required to receive certificate of completion

Please contact us at (816) 313-8088 to register for level 2.

Substance Abuse

This class is a 4 hour intervention program designed for offenders that are on the brink of  becoming deep-set in a drug addict’s lifestyle. This one time class aims to educate about the risks of long term use and abuse of legal and illegal substances. We have afternoon classes available only on Tuesdays from 1:30 pm to 5:30 pm. Upon completion of the 4 hour course, each participant will receive a certificate of completion. This class is Court Approved in the state of Missouri.

Topics in this course will include:

  • The consequences of alcohol and drug use and abuse

  • Legal issues

  • Relapse prevention

  • Dealing with emotions and feelings

Level 1 Offense: 4 hours required to receive certificate of completion

Level 2 Offense: level 1 class + 4 additional hours required to receive certificate of completion

Please contact us at (816) 313-8088 to register for level 2.

Additional class content

In addition to the special topics in each class, our program also addresses the following subjects as needed by the participants.

Resume Building

  • Easy step by step instruction

  • Create a resume that gets results

  • Everything you need to get the job

Interview Skills

  • Business Etiquette

  • Communication skills

  • What questions to ask at an interview

  • What questions not to ask at an interview

Financial Literacy

  • How to budget money

  • How to start a bank account

  • How to invest your money


You Can.

You can choose your path in life. Your choices determine your destination. We look forward to working with you as you plot the course of your life toward a successful future, mind, body, and spirit.